Fantasy Survivor
You may pick up to two castaways
for your tribe.
Each castaway costs $5.
If you have one castaway your tribe costs $5.
If you have two castaways your tribe costs $10.
You must communicate your picks to Tyler
before the premiere starts airing
You can pay via Venmo or in-person if you see Tyler
For example if the pot is $100:
If five people picked the winner they each win $20
If one person picked the winner they win $100
If no one picks the winner
the pot will roll over to the next season.
Any new players will need to pay
double ($10) per castaway.
All returning players will pay the normal $5 price.
There is also a First Out Pot
It has the same basic rules as the winner pot
You can only get 1 First Out pick
The first person who quits, medivacs, voted out, etc is considered first out
If Person A quits in the first episode and then Person B is voted out. Person A is First Out since they left first
This website will be updated weekly.
Typically right after the episode airs.
If you do not watch live, there may be spoilers.
The website will be updated with everyones picks shortly after Episode 1 starts airing. There will be no spoilers posted until after Episode 2 airs so everyone can see all the picks spoiler free